HIPÓDROMO DE LA ZARZUELA, S.A., S.M.E., cuenta con una Política de Sostenibilidad ESG (ambiental, social y gobierno corporativo) que forma parte fundamental de la hoja de ruta marcada para afrontar su futuro, en línea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 y el Pacto Verde Europeo.
HIPÓDROMO DE LA ZARZUELA, S.A., S.M.E. como Sociedad perteneciente al Grupo SEPI y en cumplimiento con las directrices marcadas por la misma, se suma a las numerosas empresas que apuestan por la importancia de incluir en su política criterios ambientales, sociales y de buen gobierno (ESG), estableciendo así la siguiente política de sostenibilidad, recogiendo los principios generales de actuación en aras a la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas.
Agenda 2030
En el año 2015 ciento noventa y tres países, entre ellos España, firmaron un compromiso en la cumbre de NACIONES UNIDAS para cumplir 17 objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y pactaron un plazo, una hoja de ruta hasta 2030.
Estos 17 objetivos se basan en tres ejes principales: la igualdad entre las PERSONAS, proteger el PLANETA y asegurar la PROSPERIDAD.
Por eso, la Agenda 2030 está ya en el centro de la visión de Estado y de la acción de Gobierno. Para alcanzar las metas de cada Objetivo los gobiernos, el sector privado y la sociedad deben implicarse en su ámbito de actuación.
Con motivo del cuarto aniversario de la aprobación de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas, el Alto Comisionado para la Agenda 2030 ha puesto en marcha la campaña #ODSéate, una campaña digital colaborativa, que intenta hacer más visible y dar a conocer estos 17 objetivos.
Si quieres conocer en qué objetivos colaboramos y cómo, pincha en los distintos #ODséate
Secretary of State for Social Services, Ana Isabel Lima, presented the award for one of our races called PREMIO VILLA D'ESTE (1989) - HZ AGAINST CHILD POVERTY aimed at raising awareness of the current situation

Our philosophy of basic sport as a form of health and wellness, urban pollution is one of the examples of the negative impacts, the HZ collaborates with the 100 hectares it has as a lung.
An annual medical check-up is carried out to keep track of our employees as the company's own responsibility.

We have the Eduardo Torroja Museum, underneath the North Grandstand
Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, awarded with the first prize 2012 of the College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) for the "Restoration and Rehabilitation Project of the racing grounds" by the Estudio Junquera Arquitectos
The Racetrack of the Hipódromo de La Zarzuela designed by architects Carlos Arniches, Martín Domínguez and engineer Eduardo Torroja, has been declared Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC)
Madrid otra Mirada was held from October 18 to 20 and we at Hipódromo have continued to support this cultural project of the Madrid City Council, now in its eighth edition.
Learning how to treat animals and how to ride a horse through our mechanical horses as well as offering horses on Pony free of charge
Hipódromo de la Zarzuela attaches great importance to the training of its employees, carrying out training courses for the improvement of productivity and human capital.

At the racecourse we fight for gender equality, that is why in our races both Jockeys and Jocketas
participate in our races
The Society continues with the implementation of an Equal Opportunity Plan since 2018
March 8, 2020: International Jocketas Championship

Irrigation systems that optimize water consumption.
Discharge collection on the left bank of the Manzanares River from the Pardo dam to the Zarzuela racetrack
Hipódromo de la Zarzuela.

Little by little our lighting is changing to LED or energy-saving bulbs

Changes to the grass track: In order to improve the uniformity and coverage of irrigation on the grass track, modifications have been made to sprinklers, pumping, etc.
In order to improve uniformity and coverage of irrigation on the grass track, modifications have been made to sprinklers, pumping, etc.
Development of the appfor betting.
To highlight the machine room and gallery facilities which in addition to modernizing them have eliminated the previous aggressions to the environment and the monument.

Free access to children under 18 years of age, free children's activities.
We value in tenders that contractors have in their template people with disabilities.

We have free shuttles that encourage the non-use of private vehicles.
We have free shuttles that encourage the non-use of private vehicles.
Sustainable parking appropriate to our surroundings and environment.
Sustainable parking appropriate to our surroundings and environment.

- HZ is registered in the Registry of Small Producers of Hazardous Waste of the Community of Madrid
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- Removal of manure remains through a manager
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Timber pruning and weeding
Reduction of water consumption

Flora and fauna control.
Flora and fauna control.
Species maintenance.
Maintenance of species.

Adding sustainability clauses in the contracts with the different suppliers.